Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Good Things to Come

So this year I've heard some mixed reviews for LOST on the whole. Now I am not a blind subscriber to all things LOST. They've made frustrating missteps and avoided certain storylines that I would've liked to see covered. But I still hold to the belief that this show is the best on television. And I think I'm about to be proved right in the next month or so.

In the coming weeks, we will be treated to flashbacks for Juliet, Desmond, Jin/Sun and Charlie -- these are for sure. And word on the street is, we're going to get the back story on these two:

The DeGroots (sp?). If you don't remember who they are, consult the Orientation Film that the Survivors found in the first hatch. And I quote: "Gerald and Karen DeGroot. Two doctoral candidates from the University of Michigan... (who) imagined a large-scale communal research compound." That's right, it's time to learn about Mama and Papa Dharma (and maybe their son, Ben? No no, what would be too good. But what if...)

My point is this: disappointed with the show or more hooked than ever (like me) I think the pieces are in place to make this an exceptional last 1/3 of the season. We'll examine mysteries such as the Jin/Sun paternity issue (hopefully more interesting than the Anna Nicole Smith story [cue vomit]), John's father and Charlie's fate.

A lot of seeds have been planted in the last year, and I think we're about to see just what they grow into.

This is not the official preview for 4.11, just an overall summary/teaser for the stretch run of Season 3. It's gonna be a good one.


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